Message from Pastor Tim
Good Friday Devotional
Ask: What do you think Jesus meant by picking up your cross daily?
What are the practical ways you do that?
Are there areas you’re still holding back from God?
Pray: Ask God to give you the courage, strength, and endurance to follow him every day. No matter how tough the obstacles, how long the dark night, how our plans might be disrupted, may we never forget real life starts when we give ourselves to him.
Crucifixion Readings: Matthew 27: 32-54, Mark 15:21-39 Luke 23: 26-49
Activities you may choose to do including Friday, Saturday and Easter Sunday
This is adapted from Holy Week Centerpiece Created by Lilly Lewin. You will need a few supplies you can find around the house.
For Friday you will need a small plate, a candle, some cloth pieces, and one piece of cloth to cover the candle.
GOOD FRIDAY (pieces of cloth everyone) Light a candle. Pass around pieces of cloth. Read the story choosing one of these passages: Matt. 27: 32-54, Luke 23: 26-49, Mark 15:21-39
Extinguish the candle. SAY “IT IS FINISHED.”
After reading the passage have everyone rip their pieces of cloth in half symbolic of the temple curtain being torn separating the holy of holies when Jesus died on the cross.
When the candle has had time to cool, have someone cover the centerpiece with a cloth symbolic of Jesus’ burial.
The curtain was ripped top to bottom! We now have direct relationship with God!
Talk about the following questions:
How does it feel to know that you are not separated from God even in death?
How does it feel to know that Jesus knows and understands your suffering and pain?
What things do you need Jesus to finish for you in your life?
Talk to Jesus about this and share with someone else today.
Leave your torn pieces near the plate with the candle.
Saturday: (you will need BAND AIDS 1 for each person)
Jesus’s disciples, his friends, have abandoned him and are hiding and afraid. His body is buried in a borrowed tomb.
How are you feeling today about the death of Jesus?
What if you didn’t know that Sunday was going to mean resurrection?
Talk about this.
Take time to pray for anyone you know who is suffering or sick or feeling afraid.
We have all lost something this crazy season…jobs, freedom of movement, security. Talk to God about this.
Pray also for friends who have suffered a loss or lost a loved one in recent months.
Place a band aid on your wrist as a reminder to pray these people in the next few days.
We are all experiencing grief and loss in this crazy time.
Take time to journal or talk about this with someone.
What is the grief you feel today?
Give this to Jesus to carry for you.
EASTER: (small candles like birthday candles )
Uncover and relight the candle from Good Friday before everyone sits down to your meal!
READ the Resurrection Story together! Choose one Matt.28:1-10
Pass around the birthday or other small candles.
Light your candle from the centerpiece as a symbol of Jesus resurrection and the Light returning to the World. Now we can share that Light and his love with everyone we meet.
What are some ways you’ve seen or experienced resurrection and new life this week?
Spend some time thanking Jesus for his love for you and all the good things that are in your world.
Pray for places that need the Light and Resurrection of Jesus today. Hospitals, Places of conflict and poverty, medical workers and others on the frontlines.