Hope Quotient: Measure it, raise it, you’ll never be the same. Meeting Sunday mornings at 9 am beginning April 7th. Pastor Tim will lead this group. Register here: https://bethcov.breezechms.com/form/6f87bf
Come celebrate the resurrection at Bethlehem Church! 8:00 am D/C Drama Service 9:00 am Breakfast 10:00 am Resurrection Celebration In person and live stream on Facebook and YouTube
Maundy Service will be in person and live stream. In Person and Live Stream: Easter Resurrection Celebration 8:00 am and 10:00 am, Breakfast at 9:00 am
Please join us for a wonderful meal of Swedish meatballs and gravy, mashed potatoes, escalloped corn, stuffing, homemade beet pickles, coleslaw, pickled herring, fresh buns, Lingonberry jelly and Swedish desserts! Tickets can be purchased from a church member, at the church office 320-563-8624, or at the door. Take out is available. Adults $13 ($15 at…
Discovering the passions, knowledge, skills, and gifts that each person brings to the congregation and beginning to uncover how those assets can empower mission. Sunday, Nov. 5th after worship. We need your participation in this exciting Church Wide Potluck and Seminar. Pre-register today! Please register for each person attending from your household so we have materials…
Worship will be held at the Fairgrounds at 10 am Sunday morning. Coffee and cookies will be served at 9:30. Find us at the stage next to the 4-H Canteen.
Pickup for preordered pies Saturday, November 19th from 5 – 7 pm. Click here to order pies
10 Qualities that move you from a Believer to a Disciple Study Do you simply believe and do ‘the church thing’ or are you passionately pursuing what it means to be a fully committed disciple of Christ? Pastor Dennis Rouse takes us on a journey to discover the answer in his new book, 10. Learn…
Meet at Bethlehem Covenant Church at 12 noon. Items to Bring:Towelchange of clothes for the park (you can wear your swimsuit down the river)shoesbug spray, sunscreenlife jacket if you have one snacks and water are provided for on the water.Snacks, beverages and supper provided at the park.We will leave the park at 10 pm and…